There Are Lots Of Sweet, Caring, Considerate People In The World, But These 16 Self-Centered Fools Are Not One Of Them

    It's time we start fining people for leaving shopping carts all over the parking lot.

    The world is full of caring, considerate people who just want to do good. But sadly, not everyone falls into that category. Here are 16 photos of inconsiderate acts committed by self-centered people that prove it:

    1. "Inconsiderate new neighbor is blocking my main exit out of the building with his garbage."

    Large plastic bag filled with waste beside stairs, with boxes and a scooter in the background

    2. "My coworker treats the office like her home."

    Roll of toilet paper almost finished, mounted on a dispenser, with one sheet hanging down

    3. "It’s bad enough parking in a disabled spot without a badge, but it takes a special sort of inconsiderate person to park like this."

    Parking lot scene with various cars including a prominent black SUV poorly parked across two spaces

    4. "Couldn't bother to take five seconds to text and let me know you already sold it, despite our agreement."

    Text message conversation with declining offers and suggesting alternative meeting times
    Text messages arranging a meeting time with a positive and agreeable exchange
    A screenshot of a text conversation with obscured content
    "I'm sorry. Someone else came and picked it up."

    5. "My roommate scribbled on my poster without asking."

    Poster of Theodora Allen's 'Saturnine' exhibition with signatures and an arrow illustration. Text details dates and museum location

    6. "How my flatmates left the kitchen for the people still here to clean up."

    Kitchen counter with appliances, a blue recycling bin, and a trash bag

    7. "My boyfriend lovingly insists on cooking dinner on Mondays, but ends up leaving all of his dishes and mess behind because he has to leave for his weekly chess meetup."

    Kitchen counter with pots, pans, and cooking utensils; a meal in preparation

    8. "Roommate made a mess in the common area and refuses to clean it up."

    Spilled snack on an office chair and carpet

    9. "Worker left an entire mess from their meal in the break room before leaving for the day."

    Table in a lounge area with drinks, food items, a plant, and no persons visible

    10. "Finally got my own place. Mother and her friend wanted to come by and drop items off while I was at work. I let them. Came home to an absolute mess of my bathroom and they won't pick up the phone or respond to my texts (it's not coming out either)."

    Bathroom with a bathtub partially filled with water and a non-slip mat; there is reflective light on the surface

    11. "Why do people do this? Just clean up after yourselves…"

    Trash on the table of a restaurant

    12. "Someone's dog pissed in the elevator, and their owner just left it there."

    Handwritten sign on a door stating "Hi Everyone If your dog Makes a mess Please Clean it up. Thank you" with additional pleas for cleanliness

    13. "People being inconsiderate really does infuriate me. The cart return was 30 feet away."

    Two shopping carts left in a parking space outside a store

    14. "Inconsiderate smokers ashing and leaving the butts on the only picnic table we have at work. I’m a former smoker and never did stuff like this."

    Close-up of a weathered wooden bench with two cigarette butts wedged in a crack

    15. "Reclining your seat back on the plane but leaning forward the whole flight...thanks, random inconsiderate guy."

    A person with their airplane seat all the way back, but they're leaning forward

    16. "This is a public park, but some inconsiderate people decided to go camping and leave this mess."

    Discarded furniture and trash littering a forested area, highlighting pollution

    H/T: r/midlyinfuriating