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This Mom Gave Birth To Mixed-Race Twins With Completely Different Skin Colors

"I can't walk down the aisle at the supermarket without getting stopped," the girls' mother said.

Hannah Yarker of Manchester, England, told local reporters that she was stunned when she gave birth to twins last year.

Yarker's daughter Anaya looks just like her, while her other daughter, Myla, is the spitting image of the girls' father, Kyle Armstrong, who is mixed-race.

"Kyle is mixed-race and I'm white, so from the word go, our friends joked: 'What would you do if one came out dark and the other was fair?'" Yarker said.

"Laughing it off, I replied 'I don't think it's very likely!' Now our girls turn heads wherever they go," she said.

The 10-month-old twins are developing very different personalities, as well, Yarker said. Myla's very active and already crawling, while Anaya's the more laidback one.

Having twins with different skin colours is extremely rare: There's only about a 1 in 500 chance that it could happen.